Supreme Court Allows Trump to Stay on Presidential Ballot

Taiwo Ajayi
2 Min Read

The ruling specifically overruled Colorado’s decision to disqualify Trump from the Republican primary ballot, which was based on an anti-insurrection clause in the US Constitution.

Similar attempts to block Trump from appearing on the ballot have been made in other states like Illinois and Maine, citing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which prohibits individuals who have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” from holding office.

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However, the Supreme Court’s decision clarified that only Congress has the authority to enforce this provision, not individual states.

The Colorado ruling stemmed from Trump’s actions surrounding the January 6th attack on the Capitol by his supporters.

Despite this setback, Trump has already demonstrated significant support within the Republican Party, winning key states that have already held their primaries. Republican voters in Colorado and more than a dozen other states are set to cast their ballots on Tuesday to pick the party’s presidential nominee, with Trump remaining a formidable contender.

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