Senate Sets Up Committee to Investigate Abandoned Projects Nationwide

Okey Ikechukwu
2 Min Read
Senate Sets Up Committee to Investigate Abandoned Projects Nationwide

In a proactive move to address the issue of abandoned projects across Nigeria, the Senate has established a seven-member ad-hoc committee tasked with categorizing and classifying these projects sector-by-sector.

The committee has been mandated to submit a comprehensive report to the Senate within one month.

Sen. Godswill Akpabio, the President of the Senate, highlighted that the committee’s report would provide a detailed breakdown of all project classifications. This information will enable the respective standing committees of the Senate to initiate a thorough investigation into the matter.

Among the notable projects mentioned by the Senate are the National Library, Lagos Badagry Express Road, Calabar Power Plant, Zungeru Dam, Mambilla site, Otukpo Dam, Nigeria Satellite, Nitel, Calabar Sea Port, and Abuja Mass Housing Project.

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This resolution comes following a motion put forward by Sen. Jimoh Ibrahim, representing Ondo-South, who informed the Senate about a previous report on abandoned projects commissioned by the administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan in 2011. Ibrahim emphasized that approximately 63% of projects initiated since independence have been left unfinished.

He cited alarming figures from a study conducted at the University of Cambridge, estimating that Nigeria has lost over $40 billion due to abandoned projects, with the Ajaokuta Steel Complex alone accounting for over $10 billion of this amount.

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Ibrahim underscored the urgent need for Nigeria to address its infrastructural development challenges, especially as foreign direct investment has declined, public debt has increased, and a significant portion of the population lives below the poverty line.

Senators praised Ibrahim’s thorough research and unanimously passed the motion during Thursday’s plenary session. The establishment of the ad-hoc committee signals a commitment from the Senate to tackle the issue of abandoned projects and work towards finding viable solutions for the benefit of all stakeholders.

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