In a heart-wrenching case, police in Bauchi and Anambra States have rescued three young children—Sabo Salisu (3), Isah Abdulkadir (4), and Nana Khadija Zakariya’u (6)—who were abducted from their home in Gwallameji, a community just outside Bauchi city.
The children were taken by a woman who had moved into the neighborhood in early December 2024. She won the children’s trust by promising them toys, but instead, she disappeared with them. Tragically, one of the children was sold for a staggering N2 million in Anambra before they were found and brought home.
Thanks to the hard work of police in both states, the children were rescued after an intelligence-led operation. Bauchi State Commissioner of Police, CP Auwal Mohammed, expressed relief at the successful operation, which reunited the children with their families.
During the emotional handover of the children to their parents, Governor Bala Mohammed shared his growing concern over the rising incidents of child abductions and trafficking in the state. He called for stronger community efforts to protect children and reminded parents to always be vigilant about their children’s safety.
Governor Mohammed also extended his gratitude to Anambra State Governor, Prof. Charles Soludo, for his support in making the rescue possible. The case has once again highlighted the importance of collective action and responsibility in safeguarding the lives of vulnerable children.