Over 32,000 Homes Damaged by Floods Across Nigeria- NEMA

Adewole Kehinde
3 Min Read
Over 32,000 Homes Damaged by Floods Across Nigeria- NEMA

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has revealed that floods have impacted 27 states across Nigeria, affecting 227,494 individuals and damaging 32,837 houses.

Additionally, 16,488 hectares of farmland have been ruined.

NEMA’s Director-General, Zubaida Umar, disclosed this on Thursday through a statement issued by the agency’s spokesperson, Ezekiel Manzo. Umar emphasized NEMA’s ongoing commitment to public sensitization and grassroots awareness campaigns on solid waste management to prevent blocked drainages and waterways, which exacerbate flooding.

“Based on data from our Emergency Operations Centre, 27 states have been impacted by floods, with a total of 227,494 persons affected, 32,837 houses damaged, and 16,488 hectares of farmland destroyed,” Umar stated.

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She called on State Emergency Management Agencies (SEMAs) and community leaders to prepare for rapid flood response. She reassured farmers that the current dry spell is temporary and predicted to end soon by NiMet.

Umar also urged communities at risk of flooding and those living near waterways to relocate to higher ground ahead of the rainy season’s peak. She stressed the need for SEMAs and community leaders to be ready to implement flood response plans swiftly, given the increasing frequency of such incidents.

NEMA is committed to coordinating disaster management efforts across the country, Umar affirmed, adding that the agency has quickly mobilized resources to assess flood damage nationwide and is coordinating relief operations with SEMAs.

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The agency highlighted its proactive stance and readiness to address the nationwide crisis, emphasizing its early preparations, including deploying search and rescue teams and placing all zonal and operational offices on alert.

NEMA has also begun distributing relief items to support state governments’ efforts to provide aid to those affected by the floods.

Impact of Flooding in Nigeria

Flooding in Nigeria is a recurrent and severe problem, particularly during the rainy season. Contributing factors include seasonal rains, poor drainage infrastructure, deforestation, urbanization, and inadequate waste management, which often lead to blocked drainages, worsening the impact of floods.

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Climate change has intensified these challenges, increasing the frequency and severity of flooding events. The consequences are widespread, affecting millions of people through displacement, damage to homes and infrastructure, and disruptions to agriculture and livelihoods.

Efforts to manage and mitigate flooding include improving infrastructure, implementing early warning systems, and conducting public awareness campaigns.

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