
Latest Housing News

Global Affordable Housing Shortages Can Harm Migrant Reception and Integration

Lack of affordable housing worldwide is becoming a global crisis. An estimated

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UK Spending Watchdog Warns On Govt Migrant Housing Costs

The United Kingdom government’s controversial use of former military bases and a

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Meet Chief Fabian Nwaora, a strong pillar of Housing Development in Nigeria

Chief Fabian Nwaora, the esteemed chairman of EFAB Properties Limited, epitomizes the

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Lagos State Government and Federal Housing Authority (FHA) Collaborate to Provide Affordable Housing

The Lagos State Government and the Federal Housing Authority (FHA) have pledged

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Egypt Invests Millions in Urban Development, Housing Minister Announces

During the "Story of a Homeland" conference in the New Administrative Capital,

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Nigerian Engineers Embrace Bamboo as Alternative to Iron Rods

In response to the exorbitant prices of iron rods, engineers in Nigeria

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HDAN Urges FHA Leadership to Embrace Capital Market for Construction Finance

The Housing Development Advocacy Network (HDAN) urges the new leadership of the

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Boosting Nigeria’s Economy Through Real Estate Development

Nigeria, like many nations, is grappling with economic difficulties exacerbated by various

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Solving The Real Housing Challenge: Nigeria Versus Ghana – Whose Deficit Are We Truly Solving?

It is a common assertion that Ghana faces a housing deficit of

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NBBRI Seeks Ban On Importation Of Construction Materials

Nigerian Building and Road Research Institute (NBRRI), on Friday, called on the

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