Council of housing meeting begins in Kaduna on Monday 13th nov

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Map of Kaduna

The date of the 12th National Council on Housing has been announced.

This is contained in a statement issued to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Kaduna on Sunday.

The statement was signed by the Director of Information in the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Badamasi Haiba.

Haiba said that the Ministers of Housing and Urban Development, Ahmed Dangiwa and Abdullahi Gwarzo invite all stakeholders in the housing sector to the annual event.

The exercise has been fixed for Monday, November 13 to November 17 in Kaduna.

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He said: “This is an annual event organised by the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development in partnership with the myriad of housing stakeholders.

“It provides an avenue for stakeholders in the built environment to critically evaluate and proffer solutions to the challenges facing the housing sector.

“This is the highest decision making organ of the sector where stakeholders gather for deliberation”.

Haiba said that the theme of this year’s event is
He added: “Harnessing Local and International Credit Schemes as a Panacea for Housing Infrastructure Development under the Renewed Hope Agenda”.

“This is to deliberately channel the attention of the industry to other innovative and alternate funding sources for housing development.

“The housing sector is one the few key sectors of interest to achieve the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

“This is because it fits into almost all the presidential priorities of job and wealth creation, access to capital

Source: The eagle online

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