HDAN Highlights Seven Landmark Achievements of the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development under Arc. Ahmed Dangiwa

Folorunsho Adegoke
11 Min Read
HDAN Highlights Seven Landmark Achievements of the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development under Arc. Ahmed Dangiwa

…Celebrates Milestones, commends and congratulates Arc. Ahmed Dangiwa on One Year in Office

…Set Agenda for Continued Progress in Nigeria’s Housing Sector

As Arc. Ahmed Dangiwa marks his one-year anniversary as the Minister of Housing and Urban Development, the Housing Development Advocacy Network (HDAN) has commended his efforts and achievements while calling on him to do more.

HDAN notes that since assuming office, Arc. Dangiwa has demonstrated a proactive and collaborative approach to addressing Nigeria’s pressing housing challenges, making significant strides towards bridging the housing deficit and fulfilling President Tinubu’s vision for renewed hope in the country’s housing sector.

From the onset, Arc. Dangiwa made a crucial decision that set the tone for his tenure: he chose to align himself with housing professionals and experts, acknowledging the gravity of the housing deficit without resorting to dismissive arguments. This openness to collaboration has allowed him to work effectively with key stakeholders in the sector, creating a united front in the quest to provide affordable and accessible housing for all Nigerians.

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HDAN as a consistent supporter of Arc. Dangiwa’s efforts, providing ideas and feedback to guide the Ministry’s initiatives, says the dogged Housing Minister has welcomed this support with open arms, fostering a relationship of mutual respect and shared goals. According to the group, his commitment to delivering on the mandate of President Tinubu’s renewed hope cities and estates program has been evident in his actions over the past year.

Arc. Dangiwa is known for his amiable and approachable nature, a trait that has endeared him to colleagues and stakeholders alike. His relationship with the Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development, Alh. Abdullahi Tijanni Gwarzo, is exemplary, characterized by cooperation and shared commitment to the cause. This partnership has been instrumental in driving the Ministry’s agenda forward, ensuring that the goals set out in the Renewed Hope Agenda are steadily being met.

One of the most notable aspects of Arc. Dangiwa’s leadership is his responsiveness. In an era where many leaders are often inaccessible, Arc. Dangiwa stands out for his willingness to listen and engage with those who reach out to him. Whether through direct communication or swift responses to inquiries, he has shown that he is a Minister who listens before speaking, ensuring that he is always informed and ready to act on the issues at hand.

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It is also worthy to note that International agencies such as Shelter Afrique and IFC Edge have also taken notice of Arc. Dangiwa’s efforts, providing positive reports on his work. These endorsements from global entities further highlight the impact of his leadership on Nigeria’s housing sector and underscore the importance of continued collaboration and support from both local and international partners.

This is not the time for any organization to attack the Minister for Housing. Instead, it is a time to recognize and support the significant progress that has been made under his watch. Arc. Dangiwa has proven to be a proactive leader, deeply invested in the success of Nigeria’s housing initiatives. His ability to listen and respond to feedback has made him a valuable ally in the fight to reduce the housing deficit, and his efforts deserve commendation, not criticism.

Below are Highlights of the Seven Landmark Achievements of the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development under Arc. Ahmed Dangiwa:

1. Foundation for Sustainable Housing Reforms
One of the most notable achievements is the establishment of a solid foundation for sustainable housing sector reforms. In January, four task teams were inaugurated to focus on critical areas such as strengthening federal housing institutions, streamlining land administration, fostering multi-agency collaboration, and setting up building materials manufacturing hubs across the six geopolitical zones. Despite various challenges, these teams have worked tirelessly, producing detailed reports that will guide the ministry’s efforts in its second year.

2. Increasing Affordable Housing Stock
The ministry has made substantial progress in increasing the stock of affordable and decent housing for Nigerians. The groundbreaking of 6,612 housing units across 13 locations under the Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme is a testament to this. This initiative includes the development of 3,112 housing units in Karsana, Abuja, under a Public-Private Partnership (PPP). Once completed, these homes will be available through various affordable ownership options, including single-digit mortgages, rent-to-own schemes, and outright purchases, ensuring accessibility to a broad range of income earners.

3. Expansion of Urban Renewal and Slum Upgrade Programme
The ministry has expanded its Urban Renewal and Slum Upgrade Programme, with projects ongoing at 26 sites nationwide. These projects focus on providing essential services such as water supply, solar streetlights, road rehabilitation, and waste management, significantly improving living conditions in underserved areas.

4. Fast-Tracking the Sale and Occupation of National Housing Programme Units
Efforts to accelerate the sale and occupation of housing units under the National Housing Programme have yielded impressive results. The ministry received 8,925 expressions of interest across various payment options, with the first batch of provisional allocation letters already issued to successful applicants.

5. Progress towards Establishing a National Social Housing Fund (NSHF)
Significant strides have been made towards establishing the National Social Housing Fund (NSHF) to ensure that all Nigerians, including low and no-income groups, have access to decent accommodation. Extensive work has been done on developing the framework for this initiative, aligning with the Renewed Hope Agenda.

6. Advancements in Land Reform and Titling
The ministry is also making headway in land reform, exploring partnerships with the World Bank to implement a National Land Titling Programme. This initiative aims to increase land formalization in Nigeria from less than 10% to 50% over the next decade, contributing to a more efficient and accessible land registration system.

7. Inauguration of the National Housing Data Steering Committee
To address the long-standing issue of inconsistent housing deficit figures, the ministry inaugurated the Joint Steering Committee on National Housing Data. This committee is tasked with developing a blueprint for transparent and accessible housing data, critical for informed policymaking and strategic planning. The establishment of a National Housing Data Center is expected within six months.

These achievements underscore the ministry’s commitment to transforming Nigeria’s housing sector, ensuring that all citizens have access to affordable, decent, and sustainable housing. As Arc. Ahmed Dangiwa and his team move into their second year, HDAN notes that they are poised to build on these successes, driving further reforms and development in the sector.

However, the Housing Development Advocacy Network calls on the ministry to build stronger public-private partnerships, encourage cooperative housing initiatives, and targeted lobbying efforts to influence policies to support affordable housing and a more supportive business environment for housing finance while encouraging governments, financial institutions, and private investors to collaborate in providing guarantees, insurance, and subsidies. This tripartite approach—investment capital, construction capital, and end-user finance— agreed at the 18th Africa International Housing Show July this year is critical for making affordable housing accessible to all.

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Meanwhile, HDAN also takes this opportunity to congratulate Arc. Dangiwa on all he has accomplished in his first year in office. One of the key achievements worth highlighting is the recent inauguration of the Committee on Housing Data, an initiative that addresses a long-standing concern within the housing sector. The need for accurate housing data was a major point of discussion at the 18th Africa International Housing Show (AIHS), and Arc. Dangiwa’s swift action to establish this committee demonstrates his commitment to resolving one of the sector’s most critical issues.

The number one housing advocacy group in the country looks forward to continuing its support for Arc. Dangiwa and the Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, noting that there is still much work to be done to achieve the goal of affordable housing for all Nigerians, but with leaders like Arc. Dangiwa at the helm, the future of Nigeria’s housing sector looks promising. HDAN remains committed to working alongside the Ministry, providing the necessary advocacy and expertise to ensure that the progress made in the past year is sustained and built upon in the years to come.

The group also extends its heartfelt congratulations to Arc. Ahmed Dangiwa and the entire team at the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, adding that their dedication and hard work are making a difference in the lives of millions of Nigerians, and stakeholders are proud to stand with them as they continue the journey towards a better housing future for all.

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