Nsukka Residents Decry High Cost of Eggs Amid Soaring Food Prices

Emma Bulletin
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Nsukka Residents Decry High Cost of Eggs Amid Soaring Food Prices

Residents of Nsukka, in the Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State, have expressed frustration over the skyrocketing cost of eggs, which has made the staple food item unaffordable for many families.

On Thursday, several residents lamented the current market price, with a crate of eggs now selling for N5,000.

Mrs. Stella Nduka, a housewife, shared her struggle with the high cost of eggs, which has prevented her children from enjoying them as part of their meals.

“The current situation, where one egg sells for N200 and a crate for N5,000, is worrisome,” she said. “I used to cook noodles with eggs for my children, but I can’t afford it anymore. My customer at Ogige Market Nsukka explained that sellers are not to blame, as they sell according to how they buy from poultry farms. He currently buys a crate at N4,500 and sells it for N5,000.”

Mr. Jude Ugwuoke, who operates a fast food joint on Aku Road, Nsukka, echoed similar concerns, noting that the high cost of eggs has negatively impacted his business.

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“Previously, I prepared one packet of noodles with two eggs for my customers at N1,200. Now, due to the high cost of eggs, I charge N1,500,” he said. “Many customers are complaining and I am losing business. In January, a crate of eggs was between N2,000 and N2,200.”

Egg seller Mrs. Juliet Onah from Ogige Market stated that the price hike is not the fault of the sellers, as they are forced to adjust prices based on their purchase costs.

“I buy eggs from poultry farms. This week, I bought a crate at N4,500 and resold it for N5,000. My profit is only N500, despite the transportation costs,” she said. “In January, a crate was N2,000, and one egg was N100. The inflation in this country is baffling.”

Poultry farmer Mr. Ernest Ugwu attributed the high prices to the increased cost of chicken feed, calling for government intervention.

“The high price of chicken feed is the main reason for the expensive eggs. The government needs to subsidize feed production ingredients,” he said. “No business person wants to operate at a loss; they aim to cover production costs and make a profit to stay in business.”

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